4th Sunday of Advent

Weekly Mass Schedule For the Immaculate Heart of Mary Church
Please go to "Mass Location" tab on top of the page for details for the Mass Schedule for each Mission, for the current month.

SUNDAY: January 19th - 2nd Sunday after Epiphany (sd)
     Private Intention................................................................................ 7:00 a.m. Mass
     Missa pro Populo.............................................................................. 9:00 a.m. Mass
MONDAY: January 20th - Sts. Fabian, P & Sebastian, Mm (d)
     Private Intention................................................................................. No Scheduled Mass
TUESDAY: January 21st - St. Agnes, VM (d)
     Private Intention................................................................................. 8:00 a.m. Mass
WEDNESDAY: January 22nd - Sts. Vincent & Anastasius, Mm (sd)
     Special Intention of Debbie Klejeski................................................... 8:00 a.m. Mass
THURSDAY: January 23rd - St. Raymund of Pennafort, C (sd)
     Special Intention of Debbie Klejeski................................................... 8:00 a.m. Mass
FRIDAY: January 24th - St. Timothy, BpM (d)
     Special Intention of Debbie Klejeski................................................... 8:00 a.m. Mass
SATURDAY: January 25th - The Conversion of St. Paul, Ap (dm)
     Special Intention of Debbie Klejeski................................................... 9:00 a.m. Mass
SUNDAY: January 26th - 3rd Sunday after Epiphany (sd)
     Special Intention of Debbie Klejeski................................................... 7:00 a.m. Mass
     Missa pro Populo............................................................................... 9:00 a.m. Mass

Sanctuary Lamp is burning for the repose of the soul of †Bishop Alfred Mendez.

                                     ~ Confession Schedule ~
Saturday   — 8:30 a.m. - 8:55 a.m.
Sunday     — 6:30 a.m. - 6:55 a.m.
                 — 8:10 a.m. - 8:55 a.m.

                              ~ Altar Boy Serving Schedule ~
Jan 19 — 1st Mass: Maurice Marshall & Alexander Bogner
                2nd Mass: Blane Lightner &Quentin Skierka
Jan 26 — 1st Mass: Thaddeus Bradshaw & Augustus Bradshaw
                2nd Mass: Martin Skierka & Robert Skierka
Feb 2 — 1st Mass: Alexander Bogner
               2nd Mass: MC - Stephen Rollins Th - Dominic Skierka CB - Zachary Drewes
                                Ac - Gabriel Lightner & William Lightner
                                TB - Eliahs Bogner, Martin Skierka, Adam Lowder
                                TB - Owen Skierka, Seamus Dube, Levi lightner

                                      ~ Rosary Leader ~
Jan 19 — 1st Mass: Brian Drewes — 2nd Mass: Damian Skierka
Jan 26 — 1st Mass: Tim Riley         — 2nd Mass: Cole Lowder
Feb 2  — 1st Mass: Brian Drewes — 2nd Mass: Damian Skierka

                            ~ Church Cleaning Schedule ~
Jan 19 — Christina Bogner & Michelle Bogner
Jan 26 — Kelsey Farrenkopf & Julie Skierka
Feb 2 — Lisa Skierka & Jess Skierka

                                   ~ Treat Schedule ~
Jan 19 — Hannah Lowder, Tiffany Skierka, Becky Lowder
Jan 26 — Sarah Rollins, Jennifer Springer, Jeanette Kalafat
Feb 2 — Michelle Bogner, Christina Bogner, Regina Marshall

                                 ~ Snow Removal ~
Jan 19 —Chris Marshall & Erik Kalafat
Jan 26 — Brian Drewes & Tim Riley
Feb 2 — Kevin Rollins & Nathan Rollins
Feb 9 — Patrick Bogner & Matthew Klejeski

                                 ~ Announcements ~
If you or a loved one is admitted to the hospital, please let your parish priest know.

6 Day Votive Lights: The price per candle is $3.00: $70 per case; the small 8 hour votive lights are 50¢ each.
Reliquaries on the Altar: contain the reliques of St. Stephen King, St. Gregory the Great, St. Maria Goretti and St. John Bosco.
Fr. Jenkins online instructions: wcbohio.blogspot.com

                                                           Rev. James J. McGovern
What is the Rule of Faith?
Q. What is the rule of our faith left us by Jesus Christ?
A. The Christian world, as it stands at present, is divided into two great bodies in regard to this point. All, indeed, agree in this, that the holy scriptures, being dictated by the Holy Ghost, are truly the word of God, and therefore are infallibly true in what they teach, both as to what we are to believe, and as to what we are to do in order to be saved. Bout, as the divine truths contained in them cannot be known without understanding the true sense of these sacred writings; hence the great question arises, How is the true sense of the scripture to be known? One of the two great bodies of Christians, to wit, the Protestants, affirm, that the true sense of the scriptures may be sufficiently know in all things necessary to salvation, by every man of sound judgment, who reads them with humility and attention; and therefore, they hold, that the rule left by Jesus Christ to man for knowing what we are to believe, and what we are to do, in order to be saved is the written word alone, interpreted by every man of sound judgment. The other great body of Christians, namely, the Roman Catholics, affirm, that the true sense of the scriptures cannot be sufficienly known by any private interpretation, but only by the public authority of the church; and, therefore, they hold that the rule left us by Jesus Christ is the written word, as interpreted by the Church.
Q. How shall this great question be decided?
A. This is indeed a very great and important question, on the solution of which the whole difference between the Protestant and Roman Catholics depends. But the decision of it is far from being difficult; it is shown in a very plain and simple manner, by comparing each of these two rules with the three qualities, which, as we have seen above, both scripture and reason show us the rule left by Jesus Christ must have, and seeing to which of these rules those qualities belong. Now the qualities or the properties of the rule left by Jesus Christ are, that it is plain and easy, comprehensive, containing all truths, and certain, so that we can depend upon it.
Q. Is the written word alone a plain and easy rule, fitted for all capacities?
A. A little attention will show that it is far from it; for First, It is impossible it should be such to those who cannot read; and yet what vast multitudes of these are there in the world! To them it can be no rule at all; for they cannot make the least use of it. Before printing was invented, which was not far above the thirteenth hundred years after Christ, there were none but written books in the world; and, of course, very few learned to read at all; not, perhaps, one in some thousands. What must the great bulk of mankind have done during all that time, if the written word alone be the only rule? Did Jesus Christ leave a rule for knowing his truths, which could be used only by the learned, whilst yet he obliges all, without exception, to believe these truths, and under pain of damnation?
Second, With regard to those who can read, and who pretend to follow the written word alone, as they interpret it for themselves, we see from experience that they can never agree among themselves about the sense of it; but run into the most opposite and contradictory interpretations of it, which is the most convincing proof that it is far from being plain and easy; nay on the contrary, that it is in many things hard to be understood, and obscure.
Third, The scripture itself affirms, in express terms, that, in the Epistles of St. Paul, there are “some things hard to be understood, which the unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, to their own destruction,” 2Pet.iii

  Mission Mass Information

Great Falls: (Black Eagle - Immaculate Heart of Mary)
Mass every Sunday, 7:00 & 9:00 a.m.: Holy Days, 9:00 a.m

Helena: (Holy Cross) 

Mass every Sunday and Holy Days:  8:00 a.m. See Church Bulletin

Missoula: (East Missoula - Holy Shroud) 

Mass 2nd, 4th & 5th Sundays of the month 12:30 p.m.
                         Holy Days 6:00 p.m.

Billings: (Pompeys Pillar - St. Martin de Tours) 

Mass 1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays of the month 3:00 p.m
                      Holy Days 6:00 p.m.

Lethbridge: (St. Theresa the Little Flower) 

Mass 2:00 p.m. 3rd Sunday of the month